Siat Group

Siat is an agro-industrial group specialized in oil palm and rubber plantations and allied processing and downstream industries.

Across our subsidiaries in Nigeria, Ghana and Ivory Coast, Siat employs over 17.000 people. We are a significant employer in rural Africa, with our head office located in Brussels, Belgium.

Vision & Mission

VISION: Transforming agricultural resources to improve lives

MISSION: An irrevocable commitment to develop and manage our African Edible Oil & Fats business to sustainably benefit all stakeholders

Four key investment highlights are the drivers of Siat’s vision going forward.

Biological, Production & Renewable assets

The group has invested in
(i) biological assets, showcasing further acquisition opportunities,
(ii) production assets
and (iii) renewable energy, to prepare for future growth in the most sustainable way.

Research, Development & Innovation

With its R&D developments, Siat stands at the forefront of the drive for higher productions on less land, which is the most sustainable solution going forward.

Environmental & Social risk management

Siat is a strong believer that sustainability and economics go hand in hand, driving its strong investments in this area.

Favourable market dynamics

Siat serves attractive and growing-end markets, driven by the booming global demand for palm oil and natural rubber.


Nv Siat sa was incorporated under Belgian Law in the year 1991 and has a share capital of €31,000,000, fully subscribed and paid-up.

Siat stands for “Société d’Investissement pour l’Agriculture Tropicale”. The object of the company is to invest and manage agro-industrial ventures in the tropics.

450 m€
Cumulated Capital Expenditure (10 years)
120000 ha
of plantation estates
50000 ha
planted (68% PALM /32% RUbber)


Incorporation of Siat sa/nv & aquisition of Presco, Nigeria, under the leadership of Mr Pierre Vandebeeck
Aquisition of GOPDC, Ghana
Listing 40% of Presco shares on the Lagos Stock Exchange
Acquisition of CHC Compagnie Hévéicole de Cavally, Ivory Coast
Siat Nigeria Ltd aquires assets of Risonpalm
Creation of CHP Compagnie Hévéicole de Prikro, Ivory Coast & minority stake in Deroose plants, Belgium, USA and China
Majority stake in Deroose Plants 81% & GOPDC is amongst first African Palm Oil producers to be RSPO certified
Aquisition of Swift Rubber, Cambodia & sale of Siat Gabon's oil palm assets
Repurchase of 35% of Siat shares from GMG-Halcyon & Aquisition of majority stake in Exotic Plant, Belgium and China
Member of WCF and Underwriting of CFI & Public-Private Partnership for Agrofestry, Rural Development and Protection of the HCV Forests of Goin-Débé & Cavally, Côte d'ivoire
RSPO Audits of SNL sucessfully completed & Full Operational Integration of Deroose Plants and Exotic Plants
Presco acquires 100% of the shares of SNL
Transfer of Siat ownership to Saro Africa

Vision &

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Natural Rubber Products

Technically Specified Natural Rubber CHC M 20 (Michelin SAR 20 IC), used in tyres and various moulded rubber products.

Specifications :

 P0 : ≥33
 PRI : ≥40
 Mooney Viscosity : /
 Dirt (%w/w max) : ≤0.14
 Ash (%w/w max) : ≤0.75
 Volatile Matter (%w/w max) : ≤0.80
 Nitrogen (%w/w max) : ≤0.60
 Lovibond Colour Index : /

Technically Specified Natural Rubber CHC 10, used in tyres and various moulded rubber products.

Specifications :

 P0 : 33±3
 PRI : ≥50
 Mooney Viscosity : ≥60
 Dirt (%w/w max) : ≤0.08
 Ash (%w/w max) : ≤0.75
 Volatile Matter (%w/w max) : ≤0.80
 Nitrogen (%w/w max) : ≤0.60
 Lovibond Colour Index : /

Technically Specified Natural Rubber CHC 20, used in tyres and various moulded rubber products.

Specifications :

 P0 : [30-32]
 PRI : [40-49]
 Mooney Viscosity : ≥60
 Dirt (%w/w max) : ≤0.08
 Ash (%w/w max) : ≤0.75
 Volatile Matter (%w/w max) : ≤0.80
 Nitrogen (%w/w max) : ≤0.60
 Lovibond Colour Index : /

Palm Oil Products

Premium grade palm oil with less than 3% free fatty acid (FFA) content, extracted from the mesocarp of palm fruits.In order to make high quality refined products, it is essential to have crude palm oil of a good quality.

Special Palm Oil is used:

  • for cooking and frying
  • as nutritious supplement
  • in soap and detergent

Special Palm Oil Specifications:

FFA (%) Max:3.0
Moisture & Impurties (%) Max:0.1
Colour (5 1/4″ Lovibond) R:28-32
Colour (5 1/4″ Lovibond) Y:16-22

Refined, Bleached and Deodorised Palm Oil is the result of refining Special Palm Oil. It contains between 0.05% and 0.15% free fatty acid.

Presco’s premium grade refined palm oil is known as Ultra Pure.

Ultra Pure is used:

  • for cooking and frying
  • in dairy products
  • as a nutritious supplement
  • in soap and detergent

Ultra Pure Specifications:

FFA (%) Max:0.08-0.15
Moisture & Impurities (%) Max:0.02
PV (meq O²/kg)1.0-1.2
Melting Point (°C)34-38
Colour (5 1/4″ Lovibond) R:3.0-4.5 or 9.0-12
Colour (5 1/4″ Lovibond) Y:16-22

Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD) contains a very high free fatty acid level and is mainly used by the quality soap industry. PFAD is obtained as a by-product of the refining process.

Presco’s PFAD is used in soap and detergents.

Palm Fatty Acid Distillate Specifications:

FFA (%) Max:94-96
Moisture & Impurities (%) Max:0.03

Palm Olein is a light yellow edible oil obtained from the fractionation of Refined Bleached and Deodorized Palm Oil, which is separated in two fractions by partial crystallization. The liquid fraction is called Palm Olein.

Presco’s premium grade refined palm olein is known as Prestige

Prestige is used:

  • for cooking and frying
  • as salad oil
  • in mayonnaise
  • in creams and spreads

Prestige Specifications:

FFA (%) Max:0.08-0.10
Moisture & Impurities (%) Max:0.02
PV (meq O²/kg):1.0-1.2 or 4.0
Cloud Point (°C):10.5 or 9-16
Colour (5 1/4″ Lovibond) R:3.0-4.5
Colour (5 1/4″ Lovibond) Y:30-35
Palm Stearin is the solid fraction obtained from the fractionation of Refined Bleached and Deodorized Palm Oil. It is mainly used by the food industry. Presco’s premium grade refined palm stearin is known as Palma. Palma is used:
  • in dough for biscuits
  • in chocolate and confectionery products
  • in snacks, crisps, …
Palma Specifications:
FFA (%) Max: 0.08-0.10
Moisture & Impurities (%) Max: 0.01 or 0.02
IV: ranging from 30 to 54 depending on the customer’s specifications
PV (meq O²/kg): ranging from 0.8 to 3.5 depending on the customer’s specifications
Melting Point (°C): ranging from 36 to 55 depending on the customer’s specifications
Taste/Odour: Bland
Colour (5 ¼” Lovibond) R: ranging from 2.8 to 4.5 depending on the customer’s specifications
Colour (5 ¼” Lovibond) Y: 30-35
Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO) is a light yellow crude oil, extracted from the palm kernels, containing mainly lauric acid. Presco’s Crude Palm Kernel Oil is used:
  • in ice cream
  • in margarine
  • in chocolate and confectionary products
  • in soap and detergent
Palm Kernel Oil Specifications:
FFA (%) Max: 2.5
Moisture & Impurities (%) Max: 0.3
IV: 16-19
Colour (5 1/4″ Lovibond) R: 3.4-4.5
Colour (5 1/4″ Lovibond) Y: 30-32
Refined Palm Kernel Oil (RPKO) is the result of the refining of crude palm kernel oil. Presco’s RPKO is known as Palpita. Palpita is used:
  • in ice cream
  • in margarine
  • in chocolate and confectionery products
  • in soap and detergent
Palpita Specifications:
FFA (%) Max: 0.08-0.1
Moisture & Impurities (%) Max: 0.02
IV: 16-19
PV (meq O²/kg): 1.0-1.2
Melting Point (°C): 26-28
Taste/Odour: Bland