Our approach to

We are strong believers in continuous improvement and we hold a mirror to ourselves to always do better.

Sustainability should be intentional and is integrated in all what we do. Through its design, the decisions and policies we make every day, our business has become a means to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and ultimately building a better world for all.




We are committed to be
part of the solution

The creation of the Sustainability Department in 2014 has enabled us to move forward, more specifically by formalising and validating various social, environmental and quality commitments.

Each year Siat allocates an important budget to maintain good relations with the communities and to environmental studies. Hence, we enhance our knowledge and environmental protection by preserving new zones within our concessions each year.

We consider the needs of our clients by modernising and certifying our production units on a regular basis.  We believe in transparency, and therefore our Sustainability report outlines the results and situation as objectively as possible, revealing the challenges, progress made and discussing future developments.

& Conservation

As a major actor in the oil palm and rubber industry, Siat Group is aware of the impact of its activities on the people and on the environment. The Company is committed to undertake all its activities, from the resources to the transformation, in a sustainable manner, thus guaranteeing its partners and customers a responsible production which respects environmental and social values.

Siat is committed through its policies not to cultivate on fragile soils. This includes conservation areas (such as HCV, HCS, swamp, marshy and riparian areas), peat soils  and high organic soils (such as Histosols), fragile and marginal soils (such as sandy soils), and slopes above 20° (to prevent soil erosion).

Siat installs cover plants on all its oil palm plantations to  limit erosion and improve the soil fertility.

Siat is committed to restoring areas that could have been degraded in the past and to maintaining or increasing the fertility of cultivated soils (for example by returning to the fields organic matter taken during harvesting).

Siat conducts regular surface water, soil and leaves analyses and has contracts with international experts to establish its fertilization programs.

Siat has developed and applies integrated Pest Management (IPM) on all its plantations to rationalize the use of chemicals and avoid soil pollution. No product covered by the Rotterdam or  Stockholm conventions, nor any class Ia or Ib product on the WHO list are used.

Siat aims to have at least 10% of its surfaces in conservation areas (see the sustainable development report).

social impact


For a favorable and fulfilling work environment, the Siat Group issues a code of conduct with values oriented towards the respect and the integrity of people.

Consequently, Siat Group commits to:

  • Ensure that the recruiting process is done objectively with no discrimination of any nature such as, and not limited to, religion, gender, ethnical background or physical appearance of the candidate,
  • Promoting career development by encouraging internal promotion,
  • Enhance staff’s capabilities through suitable training programs,
  • Encourage and facilitate representative bodies of workers,
  • Ensure satisfying living conditions for all workers and families by providing acceptable housing with access to electricity and water,
  • Provide regular medical check-ups for the staff and ensure that they and their families have access to proper medical care,
  • Facilitate access to healthy food, where necessary,
  • Ensure that transport of workers is done in suitable and safe vehicles,
  • Do the necessary to minimise occupational risks on all industrial sites,
  • Respect the rights and obligations of women during the maternity period with regard to maternity leave and breast feeding.

Each staff member commits to, subject to sanctions:

  • Comply with all the recommendations concerning health, safety, and environmental issues,
  • Not to access his/her workplace under influence of alcohol and not to introduce illicit substances or alcohol within the company premises,
  • Not to exercise moral or physical pressure (threats, violence, insults, sexual harassment, etc.) on the staff,
  • Not to use company property for personal purposes, without the authorization of the employer,
  • Not to hunt or transport protected animal species within Siat’s concessions,
  • Not to incite, through meetings, conversations, petitions, troubles and disorders within Siat’s concessions,
  • If pregnant or breastfeeding, workers commit not to accept any work position exposing her to hazardous chemical products.

These goals are only achievable with the involvement and commitment of all workers and stakeholders of Siat Group of Companies.

Siat is committed to preventing any form of human rights abuse as enshrined in the constitutions of the countries it operates in and the international human rights guidance [1]. The group’s key compliance focuses are:

  • Respect for employees’ and stakeholders’ human rights. Prohibition of retaliation against human rights defenders and whistle blowers;
  • Respect for local authorities: respect of the rights, cultures, customs and values of host communities [2]; and
  • Prohibition of extra-judicial intimidation and use of mercenaries and para-militaries in our operations;

[1] UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

[2] UN declaration on the right of indigenous people

Siat aims to promote and protect the reproductive rights [1] of all its workers, especially women by:

  • Favoring their access to sexual and reproductive health information that will provide them with the tools to make informed choices conducive to their health;
  • Respecting the rights of women during the maternity period with regards to maternity leave and breast feeding; and
  • Ensuring that pregnant or breastfeeding women do not carry out work which exposes them to hazardous chemical products.

[1] Reproductive rights are defined as legal rights and freedom relating to reproduction and reproductive health, for couples and individuals, as well as freedom to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of children.

Siat is committed to ensuring that any form of discrimination based on race, ethnic origin, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, age or any other social condition, is prohibited [1].

In the conduct of its business the company endeavors to:

  • Operate a workable, flexible recruitment system that ensures that each person has equal access to employment based on merit, qualification, experience, skill, and knowledge;
  • Communicate information on minimum entitlements for wages and conditions of employment to all employees in the appropriate language and ensure that they benefit from it;
  • Give preference to members of local communities where candidates for employment are of equal merit;
  • Ensure mechanisms are in place for identifying affected groups and responding to complaints of discrimination; and
  • Protect migrants [2] from abusive employment and to treat them fairly.

[1] ILO conventions on remuneration and discrimination

[2] ILO Convention Migrant workers

Siat prohibits all forms of workplace violence and harassment, particularly sexual harassment [1], whether engaged by workers or other stakeholders operating within SIAT Estates. Harassment is defined as unwelcome words, conduct or actions that are offensive, embarrassing, humiliating or demeaning to a worker or group of workers. Workplace violence is the exercise or attempt of physical force by a person against another.

The company will ensure that:

  • Workers are aware of, and understand that acts of violence or harassment are considered a serious offence for which necessary action will be imposed;
  • Those subjected to acts of violence or harassment are given available recourse to pursue a complaint;

Siat is committed to investigating reported incidents of violence and harassment in an objective and timely manner, taking necessary action; and providing appropriate support for victims.

[1] Guide on Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Siat respects and supports the right of all categories of workers to freedom of association and to collective bargaining. The company commits to implementing this policy by:

  • Allowing all workers, without distinction, to form and/or join any kind of association [1] of their own choosing;
  • Recognizing workers’ associations as partners for the purpose of reaching consensus relations between the company and its workforce.
  • Allowing workers associations to conduct their activities without interference; and
  • Not tolerating intimidation, reprisal or discrimination of any kind against association members or representatives or those advocating membership for the association.

[1] ILO convention Freedom of Association and protection of right to Organize

Siat subscribes to a zero tolerance policy of child labour or exploitation of children in any of its operations.

The company commits to securing a better future for children by:

  • Only employing workers who can prove that they are above 18 years of age;
  • Immediately discontinuing the employment of a child in the event of an occurrence of child labour being discovered;
  • Discouraging workers whose own children are encouraged to work with the family when they are of school age and/or doing unreasonable tasks for their capabilities;
  • Encouraging all workers to school their children; and
  • Refraining from engaging in business with partners who resort to using child labour in their operations


As a major actor in the oil palm and rubber industry in Africa, Siat Group is aware of the impact of its activities on the people and on the environment. Siat Group has understood the importance of guiding all its activities towards a sustainable approach, respecting environmental, social values and quality. Producing quality products, respectful of the environment and of our customers’ expectations and consumer safety, is also a guarantee of sustainability.

Siat Group has committed to assess all its estates using different tools and creating action plans based on the results of assessments like:  High Conservation Value and High Carbon Stock Approach (based on HVC RN methodologies), Land Use Change Analysis, New Planting Procedure, GreenHouse Gas calculation (based on RSPO Methods), Social and Environmental assessment (based on RSPO and national regulation when mandatory).
