Siat’s board of directors (the “Board”) is responsible for determining and reviewing the company’s business and strategy and overseeing the overall governance and management. In consultation with the executive management, it shall decide the operational and risk strategies. The Board, with the assistance of its different committees, closely monitors the strategic, business, and financial performance of the company, the alignment with stipulated risk appetite and strategies, and compliance with applicable rules and regulations. Furthermore, to effectively discharge its other duties, the Board shall set up two advisory committees, a Board Audit, Risk, Compliance and Governance Committee (BARCG) and a Board Finance and Investment Strategy Committee (BFIC).
BARCG oversees the internal control systems; and reviews issues of risk management as well as compliance with the undertakings towards our financial partners and adherence to laws and regulations (including ESG regulations).
BFIC provides financial oversight and forecasting, oversees budgeting, evaluates investment proposals, and explores potential business consolidation & expansion opportunities.
These committees shall provide support to the Board and the CEO to make, each within their delegated authority, appropriate decisions in a timely and efficient manner. The Board appoints a Chief Executive Officer, responsible for the daily management of SIAT and overseeing the daily management of the SIAT subsidiaries. SIAT manages its subsidiaries and takes an active role in their respective board of directors.
SIAT seconds to its subsidiaries as permanent experts for the general management of the companies and highly skilled consultants for specific tasks. This facilitates the transfer of its technology and management skills and methods. All companies of the Group are managed in accordance with our Corporate Governance Guidelines.