News : Siat Founder, Pierre Vandebeeck, receives National Award, Lauds Nigeria

Siat Founder, Pierre Vandebeeck, receives National Award, Lauds Nigeria

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The Federal Government of Nigeria has honoured the Founder of Presco Plc and Siat Nigeria Limited, Mr Pierre Vandebeeck with a National Award in recognition of his contributions to the development of Nigeria’s economy.

President Muhammadu Buhari conferred the National Honours Award of the Order of the Federal Republic Of Nigeria (OFR) on Mr Vandebeeck on Tuesday at the International Conference Centre, Abuja.

Mr Vandebeeck was among the recipients of Awards at the investiture of distinguished Nigerians and foreigners by President Buhari at the 2022 National Honours Awards.

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Speaking on the Award, Vandebeeck, who was accompanied by his wife, Managing Director of Presco Plc, Felix Nwabuko and his wife, Fidelia, commended Nigeria for recognizing his contributions to economic growth in the last 50 years.

Vandebeeck also projected economic growth for Nigeria, especially in the area of agriculture and oil palm development.

Making reference to oil palm production, Mr Vandebeeck said: “Expect more growth and more dividends for Shareholders of Presco Plc.”

Mr Vandebeeck, a Belgian National, is an Officer of The Order of the Crown of Belgium, was Honorary Consul of Belgium for Gabon and was also conferred with the Distinguished Service Star of Rivers State of Nigeria (DSSRS).

Mr Vandebeeck, has been part and parcel of Nigeria’s economic growth, especially in the Agricultural Production and Agro-Allied Industries.

Born on the 16th of August 1945 in Munsterbilzen, Belgium, Mr. Vandebeeck is an Agronomist with specialty in Tropical Agriculture, graduated in 1969.

He immediately started his career working as plantation manager and then group inspector for five years for Afrifina’streecrop estates of coffee, rubber, cocoa and oil palm, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

He came to Nigeria in 1974 as Project and Team leader for Socfin Consultant Services (Socfinco) which was hired by the World Bank to develop Oil Palm Plantations in Nigeria.

His first assignment was the land acquisition and development of a 4,700 hectares oil palm estate at Adapalm Ltd Plantation, presently owned by the Imo State.

He successfully pioneered that project and delivered same at the end of 1977. He was subsequently transferred to undertake a similar but larger project in Rivers State to commence another process of land acquisition, land preparation and planting of over 11,400 hectares of oil palm plantation in ten communities at the Ubima Nucleus Estate and 7,000 hectares at the Elele Estate – all for Risonpalm Ltd – owned by the Rivers State Government then.

In 1983, he was appointed SOCFINCO’s Country Director of Operations for Nigeria. Upon completion of the job in Rivers State, Mr. Vandebeeck repeated the same feat at Okomu Oil Palm Company in Edo State owned by the Federal Government of Nigeria prior to its privatization.

He established his own company, Siat Group (Société d’Investissement pour l’Agriculture Tropicale) and in 1991 took a significant participation into PRESCO, then wholly owned by President Industries of which he became Managing Director.

Today, Siat Group’s holdings in Nigeria represent over 48,000 ha of oil palm estates, mainly located in Edo, Delta and Rivers States.

According to available information, these plantations are serviced by the most modern/sophisticated palm oil mills, combined with palm kernel crushing and oil refining facilities, at Presco Plc,Edo State and Siat Nigeria Limited, Rivers State respectively.

Presco Plc has grown to become a market leader in the Nigerian vegetable oils and fats industry and industry leader in oil palm plantation development, palm oil milling, palm kernel crushing and refining and fractionation of crude palm oil into vegetable oil products.

These mills have installed capacities to process over 150 tons of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) per hour to produce Special Palm Oil (SPO). The vegetable oil refining facility of 500 MT/day is one of the largest in Nigeria, wherethe Special Palm Oilisfurther processed into specialty vegetable oils and fats, for domestic use and forindustrial use by other multinational companies in the food and confectionaries industries.Palm kernel oil is extracted for allied industries while kernel cakes for animal feeds are also producedat the facilities of Presco Plc and Siat Nigeria Limited respectively.

The companies employ over 10,000 Nigerians in various categories, including specialized skills for millers and associated technologies. 



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Focus : Presco, mechanism for land dispute resolution

Focus : Presco, mechanism for land dispute resolution

Land dispute are inevitable especially with population increase and demand for more resources vis-à-vis human needs. Addressing this could be sometimes complicated due to prevailing traditional, cultural practices and the number of parties/stakeholders involved.

However, as a corporate organization, Siat has developed strategies and a framework to ensure that land disputes are prevented. In a situation where this is unavoidable, the following mechanism is in place to address and resolve such disputes:

  • Stakeholders identifcation: this helps to identify and explore tools for analysis and for better understanding by interested parties, of their respective needs and concerns in relation to the land issue(s).
  • Respect for each other’s concerns and interests: using the FPIC process, mutual respect is safeguarded in order that each party’s concerns and interest on the land are respectfully
  • Engagement and dialogue: through dialogue, relevant stakeholders deliberate on the identifed issue and develop innovative approach(es) to resolving the conflict and building a win-win position between the parties involved.
  • Mediation: in the event that both parties could not resolve the issues through dialogue and engagement, a third party may be sought as a mediator to assist and guide the parties towards resolution. The mediator does not decide the outcome but helps the parties understand and focus on the important issues needed to reach a mutualy benefcial resolution.

The beauty of this approach is that the outcome usually results in mutual respect, understanding, and goodwill. 


Focus : Creation of the committee on gender parity and equality

Focus : Creation of the committee on gender parity and equality

Joyce Ewudzie, nursery assistant and gender committee responsible
Mariama Diallo, HSE responsible

The Committee started in October 2017. It consists of 21 members selected from all workers’ categories (manage-ment, senior staff, junior staff and contractual workers). It was established with as main goal:

  • Promote gender equality;
  • Address particular concerns to women;
  • Provide workers with an appropriate grievance mecha-nism, against all forms of undesired sexual behaviour, whether directly or implicitly, and any other form of human rights violation at the workplace.

The Committee’s day-to-day role related to harassment can be defined as:

  • Mediate in case of harassment incidents or any other form of human rights violation at the workplace,
  • Support and protect plaintiffs, while safeguarding their anonymity,
  • Inquire about the harassment complaints or any other form of human rights violation at the workplace,
  • Determine whether appropriate sanctions or discipli-nary measures can be taken without substituting legal procedures,
  • Raise awareness with the workers on this subject to en-courage good behaviour.

News : SIAT contributes to stop illegal deforestation

SIAT contributes to stop illegal deforestation


In 2018, SIAT became a member of the World Cocoa Foundation to contribute to stop illegal deforestation of the classified forest of Goin-Débé, in the vicinity of its Cavallly rubber plantation, in south-west Côte d’Ivoire.  See how Siat decided to be part of the Cocoa-Forests Initiative and intends to mobilize its expertise to scale-up sustainable development and reforestation…


Read SIAT’s CFI Action Plan – English

Read SIAT’s CFI Action Plan – French

News : SIAT wins 2 National Energy Globe Awards!

SIAT wins 2 National Energy Globe Awards!


Siat submitted 2 projects to the Energy Globe Awards, and we are proud to announce we have won the National Award for our Cogeneration plant in Ivory coast , and for our Biogas plant in Ghana.

This year there were over 2000 submissions from over 180 countries. High-profile experts from the Energy Globe evaluation committee have evaluated and selected the national winners.

The projects of all national Energy Globe winners were presented on June 5th, on the World Environment Day on


With 187 participating countries, the ENERGY GLOBE Award is today’s most prestigious environmental award. It is awarded annually to projects focusing on energy efficiency, renewable energies and the conservation of resources. 





News : Best International Agricultural Plant Award!

Our future is turned towards energy mixes and the use of renewable energies.


In recent years, the Siat Group has invested heavily in these fields (see Focus on co-generation).In 2018, the group was awarded the prize of: “Best International Agricultural Plant – Siat, First Large Scale AD & Biogas Plants in West Africa: A Hope for the Palm Oil Sector”, awarded jointly by the World Biogas Association and the United Kingdom Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA).


This award recognizes the two biogas plants installed at GOPDC (Ghana) and Presco (Nigeria) to recover, by anaerobic fermentation, methane from organic sludge contained in oil mill effluents.

Methane, a very strong greenhouse gas, is captured, and while used as energy effluent and sludge are treated.


In 2019, GOPDC and CHC was awarded the prize of: “Energy Globe Award” (, respectively for Biomethanation and Cogeneration. It is awarded annually to projects focusing on energy efficiency, renewable energies and the conservation of resources.